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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why Did the Turtle Cross the Road?

Why did the turtle cross the road? Why, two days later, did the turkey eat acorns on the side of the road? And why did the Monarch butterfly circle around my head for more than a few minutes?

These questions have haunted me all week long. Why you ask? Because I actually got an answer: to bring me a spiritual message. I know, you’re thinking, “Wow, does Gaby actually think the entire world and the animal kingdom revolve around her?” Why yes, I do. In fact, the American Indian Shamans do, too (see, it’s not just ME). They believe that animals, insects, birds and reptiles are messengers from Spirit. The messages they bring are based on the behaviors, characteristics and habits of the creature that crosses your path.

How do I know what I am receiving is a message, and not a matter of a cigar is just a cigar, turtle, turkey and Monarch? I believe there are no accidents. I have lived here over a year and have never seen a turtle cross a street. I have also never seen a turkey wandering around a busy highway next to Target. While I have seen butterflies, I have not seen many Monarchs because they are rare. They don’t usually fly around me, and even my neighbor, who witnessed it, thought it was pretty wild that it kept swooping around my head.

So what does all this mean? Let’s just look at the obvious. The turtle was trying to get somewhere slowly, patiently plodding his course. He wasn’t afraid because he has his shell to retreat to. I stopped my car and picked him up and hurried him to the side of the road so he wouldn’t get run over. As I picked him up, he looked at me like “HEY, watta ya doin’?”

The message for me is that I need to slow down. I also need to go within to do deeper spiritual work. I need to trust that I will get to my destination and not try to force things.

Thank you, turtle!

The turkey was a little more complicated, because the obvious was that Spirit was calling me a turkey, and I did not appreciate that. So I dug a little deeper and researched it further. Turkeys eat five pounds of acorns a day. Acorns represent wisdom and turkeys represent the harvest season. What this means to me is that I am gathering wisdom and I am coming into a time of reaping the rewards of what I have been working on. Either that, or someone’s going to stuff and eat me at the end of November.

Thank you, turkey!

Finally, the Monarch butterfly… which represents metamorphosis. The keys to creating and manifesting are in the stages of metamorphosis. When we are growing and transforming, we are in one of these stages: the idea is born, then we gather what we need to lay a foundation to build upon. Once we have a strong foundation, we go within, and while it may look like nothing is happening, beliefs are reorganizing. When we have transformed enough to make our idea a reality, we bust out and begin to soar.

When you feel like nothing is happening in your life, check to see if you are in the reorganizing stage.

Maybe lots of things are happening and you just can’t see it. And maybe sometime very soon, you will bust out and begin soar.

Thank you, butterfly!

So look around you… there may be little messengers trying to bring YOU spiritual messages.


LisaDawn said...

Awesome post Gab. I think my favorite is the turtle. I see a lot of turtles around my house. They are always swimming in my canal, sunbathing on my lawn and yes, crossing the street. I know I need the message to slow down, but it never occurred to me as such. So thanks for the enlightenment.

Rev. Gabrielle Michel said...

My pleasure! I love turtles and have never seen one here, so I almost took it home.